What I learned: A year without sugar...

In 2010, I went hardcore. I gave up sugar. Yup. Ok, let me clarify. Sugar is in virtually everything , including milk, bread, fruits and veggies. I didn't give these up. But I did give up artificial sugar. No Choco Puffs. No soda. No dessert. Basically I continued to eat cereal in the morning, but switched to Crispix. And instead of soda or juice? Water, all the time... (except for my cereal milk) And how about that dessert? I just had to say no. (Although, I did let myself have a spoonful of peanut butter and a glass of milk before going to bed each night... :) I pretty much cut out all refined sugars and limited my natural sugar intake. The first few weeks were tough, but once the middle of February hit it became much easier. So why in the world would someone want to give up sugar, especially for a year? What could possibly possess a person to pass up pie and peach cobbler? Easy....