A Hopeless Generation

Over the last three months, I've had four loved ones pass away. Three were family members, and the other was my dear friend Lyman. I love my family members who passed away, but I was probably closest to Lyman. We met every two or three weeks, and we would talk about...well...anything. Lyman and I had many conversations. There is something cool about talking to someone almost 70 years older than you. You learn about how the world used to be. How culture has changed. How events shaped people. I learned a lot from Lyman. But there's one thing I learned from Lyman that I think is more important than anything else: hope. plastic hope I've realized something about hope. We, as First World, modern Christians, have forgotten how to hope. We hope the Tigers make the World Series. We hope traffic isn't backed up. We hope that lottery ticket will pay out. We hope the flu shot will keep us healthy. We hope...or maybe we are just crossing our fingers. Perhaps we ...