God is in this place...

The Bible is God's Word. And it's chock full 'o stories about God and people. These stories take place over the course of thousands of years. They were written by different people for different people. Some were written in times of famine, others in times of feast. So, with all these different stories, what holds them together? There must be some theme that flows through them, right? Bible scholars have spent countless hours pouring over the Bible, trying to find its unifying theme. Many different themes have been proposed, some making more sense than others. But there's one theme that seems to come back again and again--one that I believe holds everything from Genesis to Revelation together. Here it is: God dwelling with his people. Think about it. God walked with Adam and Eve in the Bible ( Gen. 2 ). When they sinned against him, they were separated from him by being kicked out of the garden ( Gen. 3 ). Ever since the...